Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kabul Cabal

--Money, Andy Warhol

There 's no success like failure
and failure is no success at all
--Love Minus Zero, Bob Dylan

For those who like their Sparkle Ponies mint green: "Invoking the 9/11 attacks, Obama proposed a major push to expand Afghan security forces, improve the responsiveness of the Kabul government, reduce corruption, fight drug trafficking, and combat the Taliban. He'll also boost Pakistan's counter-terror capacity and encourage detente with India" (Slate: Return of the Benchmarks).

In a war that still has no end in sight, Obama said the fresh infusion of U.S. forces is designed to bolster the Afghan army and turn up the heat on terrorists that he said are plotting new attacks against Americans. (Obama: 4,000 Troops to Afghanistan.)

If a war has no end in sight, it is not a war. It is an exercise in national futility. Wars have endgames which can be defined and articulated. This clarity is lacking in the Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©)

"President Barack Obama on Friday ordered 4,000 more military troops into Afghanistan, vowing to "disrupt, dismantle and defeat" the terrorist al-Qaida network in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan."

Is there in fact an al-Qaeda terror network in Afghanistan, or is it simply Taliban resistance to the U.S. occupation? This is a poor mission statement as al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was defeated long ago. However, it is evident that the Taliban is resurgent.

Taliban and al-Qaeda are still not the same dog, regardless of close linkages in the past. What do current intl estimates say about the relationship, 2009. U.S. policies today cannot be based upon 2001 relationships.

Where will the increased funding come from --"Obama's plan will also cost many more billions of dollars"? And whose pockets will it line, once disbursed? A good guess is the leadership of the Kabul Cabal will tuck these Billions into their escape duffle bags for future contingencies. (After all, the Overseas Contingency Operation can't go on forever, can it?)

"Obama bluntly warned that the al-Qaida terrorists who masterminded the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks were actively planning further attacks on the United States from safe havens in Pakistan."

Fear-mongering at its finest, taking a page from Condi Rice's mushroom cloud play, albeit with a softer touch. Give us facts, Mr. President. This is no change, this is feed from the same trough of hysteria. It is a worn out record. Maybe you don't know from vinyl, being as your 48-year-old self is so Ipod. But the needles starts skipping grooves once scratched, and one ultimately cannot hear the song; not groovy at all.

Obama is now expanding the U.S. goal as being the removal of al-Qaida
from Pakistan as well as Afghanistan, "and to prevent their return to either country in the future." Talk about mission creep.

If President Lincoln is Obama's template, he should take a page from Lincoln's approach to the Civil War. He tried to contain the hostilities rather than expand them, endeavoring to keep many of the states out of the war. Expanding theatres of operations is not an
economy of force measure.

Not wanting to look like a wuss, Obama says his cause is "just," "And to the terrorists who oppose us, my message is the same: we will defeat you."

O.k., Commandante O.: Assuming the U.S. defeats the Taliban and kills every al-Qaeda dipshit in the theatre of operations, there is but one question which persists:

How is the victory to be paid for? Are we planning to extract their gold teeth?

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Blogger Ghost Dansing said...

we may be in desperate need of a fine song...... sing.....

Monday, March 30, 2009 at 5:42:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger The Minstrel Boy said...

i was more than a bit notorious for bursting, if silence was not called for, into random, and often inappropriate songs.

imagine laotian tribesmen singing "the happy wanderer" as we tramped the highlands.

fal dah rah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

the main problem with the taliban is that it is not an afghan, or pakistani thing. it's pashtun. the pashtun people were divided by an arbitrary line drawn by the british colonial administrators.

naturally, since they are bound together by their language, pashtun, and their tribal, religious, and cultural ties, they have studiously refused to acknowledge outside governmental legitimacy.

the "taliban," which means "student" in pashtun, was born in the refugee camps over the pakistani border in the pashtun areas during the russian occupation. the madrassas where they studied, were a prime recruiting ground for muhjahadeen to return, or cross over, to fight against the russian occupation and its attendant puppet regime.

they did this with full american support. they were heroes to the neocons because they were a low rent way for us to fuck with the rooskies.

we even, while the taliban was having its brief moment in the sun as a government, gave them funds to combat poppy cultivation and stem the flow of opium and heroin into peshawar. they were "partners" in our other never ending war, the war on drugs.

we haven't gone russian on the afghans. the russians were far more willing to indiscriminately kill every single afghan they could see from the road or the air.

we did follow the old colonial french and british thing by setting up a compliant, and complicit set of locals and calling that "government." the corruption and brutality of the afghan "government" is one of the things that is fueling the taliban's resurgence. they have squeezed, looted, and brutalized the population to a point where they have become nostalgic for the "good old days" of sharia rule.

at least that shit was written down, not simply made up on the spot by thugs with machine guns.

Monday, March 30, 2009 at 6:05:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger Ghost Dansing said...

our handiwork 'tis a beautiful site to behold indeed....

Monday, March 30, 2009 at 6:11:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger Lisa said...

ghost dansing,

Perfectly revolting.

God, if one squints really hard, one can almost see Mr. Yoo in the lineup. . .

Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7:01:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger Lisa said...


Distilled, as always. We haven't gone Russian on them, but we have gone Fr./Eng. in terms of the puppet regime.

I do love the thought of you bursting out into song tramping up the highlands with the locals. I'm sure they found you a spirited and happy lad :)

Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7:05:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger Lisa said...

ghost dansing,

May I ask you to drop me a personal line? lisa at rangeragainstwar-dot-com. Thanks.

Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7:34:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous sheerahkahn said...

A scene one evening at a fellow wargamers house.

co-worker, "Hey, everybody, this is Sheer, he's an old time wargamer, historian, and I finally got him to come show us what he has."

Me: "Uh, hi. As far as what I have...um...I brought beer."

Host: "Works for me."

Hour later, pieces lined up, my side, defenders.
Objective: Deny the attackers objective.

Attackers: Must move two whole companies off the board.

Attacker has "elite" units.
Defender has "mass" units.

Me, lead general.
I see their only recourse, their fastest units will make a dash for the end of the board, while their heavier units engage ours.

My opposite, as it turns out later, a nice guy, like Obama. Personable, friendly, well spoken, and absolutely enslaved to his co player's advice about their strategy.

Me, I convince the other two of my strategy.
They like it, they see the wisdom of it, and they realized that those fastest units of theirs is the primary target.

Game begins.
Unfolds as I had predicted it would, right up till, my opposite redirects his fast units to engage my mass units.
Not only does he loose units from his companies, but he no longer has any intact companies at all.
And us, our side, we take their units apart...defenders win because the attackers could not achieve their victory conditions.

When I asked my opposite why he did the things he did, he said, "well, my units were stronger than yours individually, and I thought we could tear you apart."

I nodded.

I then asked, "Why did you ignore your victory conditions?"

He looked thoughtful, "Um, because I thought we could take you out."

I nodded again, "well, you were right, on an individual basis, your units were much stronger, but you do realize why you lost, right?"

He looked at first confused, but then the light went on, "Uh, no...well, I suppose I should have let my faster units run off the board?"

I nod, "yeah, you should have."

We have our victory conditions, which are simple, and really, not that difficult to comprehend.
It's a common internet slang term for Get.the.fuck.out.
These are simple victory conditions, and he's ignoring them, so like my opposite that night Obama will be staring at the reports, the maps, and all the talking mouths gussied up in the pretty, colorful uniforms with the fruit salads, explaining in CYOA terms why the US is not getting anywhere in Afghanistan.
And Obama will look at all that data while hearing all those words being spoken, and he'll be thinking the same thing my opposite thought:

"I thought we could take you out."

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 10:22:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Publius said...

"Obama bluntly warned that the al-Qaida terrorists who masterminded the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks were actively planning further attacks on the United States from safe havens in Pakistan."

So we make massive new commitments to Afghanistan.

Works for me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 9:20:00 PM GMT-5  

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