Thursday, April 26, 2012

Going MAD

there is enough treachery,
violence absurdity

in the average human being

to supply any given army on any given day

--The Genius of the Crowd
Charles Bukowski

You're semi-evil. You're quasi-evil.
You're the margarine of evil.
You're the Diet Coke of evil.
Just one calorie, not evil enough.
Dr. Evil in Austin Powers (1997)

I'd say that you're all in line

for some important promotions and personal citations

when this thing's over with.

That goes for ever' last one of you

regardless of your race, color or your creed

--Dr. Strangelove (1964)

for Chief

Let us pretend we are a lensatic compass and that we can turn the bezel ring and change our declination a few degrees -- let us reorient our bearings. Then let us talk about Hitler and World War II.

Let us start with Ranger's belief that the United States should not have participated in World War II. In his opinion, this war was as fruitless and meaningless as any war ever fought (from the U.S. perspective.) Also be aware Ranger is not a closet Nazi or fan of Hitler or of the Japanese Emperor.

Let us set a ground rule: A nation does not fight wars with the sole objective of opposing evil. Foreign policy that opposes evil will always find a war to fight.
National strategic objectives and fighting evil are two exclusive concepts, unless one believes in comic book superheroes.

The most common comment justifying the entrance of the U.S. in WWII is that we had to fight the evil that was the Japs and the Lugerheads. But did we really, or did we just bite the big one for the team?

If the Japs were so bad, then why did we not hang Hirohito as a war criminal? Why did the German high command swing but not the Jap chap, and especially since he was a certifiable war criminal, defined as a dude that invades foreign countries, bombs, kills, tortures and generally ignores international law?
If he was evil we should have hung him high, especially if fighting evil were our objective.

Compare the actions of Hitler, everyone's favorite bad guy, to those of Hirohito. He was a carbon copy, with the addition of a nasty bit of work in the genocide arena. Hitler also had millions shot, gassed, starved, worked to death and more; the worst sort of customer. But then compare his actions to those of Stalin -- did not the latter do all of those evil things in spades, as well?

Let us remember, too, that Hitler thought Communism the greatest threat facing Western society, and that Fascism and Communism could not exist on the same chessboard. After defeating Hitler, the U.S. adopted his beliefs and policies concerning the Soviet Union; his idea was right but obviously we objected to his operational imperatives.

U.S. Cold War policy was to oppose and destroy Communism, in a civilized manner, meaning no genocide or other nasty stuff. Instead, we adopted a policy of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) in which we were willing to destroy the entire world to defend Capitalism. It was a policy that made sense to us, and we were all in.

The Question is: Why was Hitler evil for his operations, while were the good guys for standing ready to light up the world with unrestrained nuclear war?

If WW II was a just war from the perspective of the U.S., then the resultant good would have had to outweigh the evil required to counter the forces of Hitler and Hirohito.
Considering the stance the U.S. chose, it is hard to say that good would have triumphed with any certainty.

The same moral conundrum also addresses the issue of Iranian nuclear aspirations. Are we afraid that they will adopt our policies? Evil is evil wherever you find it, and the employment of nuclear weapons would be evil, regardless of who slings them in his quivers.

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Anonymous Carl said...

If these Chinese "soldiers" were sent to the front lines in the next major war - I wonder if the the men in the opposing side would simply just give up ..


Friday, April 27, 2012 at 12:04:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

To all,
Since writing this essay the Pakis have launched/tested a 3000 mile plus nuclear capable missile and we are cool with that, but eyeranian/nk/ issiles are the cause of war drum beating.
It never ends.
Why are the eyes and nk not allowed to test missiles , but the unstable pakis are permitted to do so?
We used the same logic to justify our actions in ww2.

Friday, April 27, 2012 at 7:31:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I find the term "Pakis" offensive.

Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 2:13:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

Anon, apr 29,
I find the Pakis offensive.
They play us for suckers, sell nuclear weapons technology, accept our money and fuck us in the ass.
How's that for offensive.

Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 8:14:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

I often call Amuricans -Amies.
Does this offend you.?

Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 8:19:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger FDChief said...

We didn't hang Hirohito simply because we wanted to keep Japan as an outpost against the Commie Reds and didn't want to have to do it at gunpoint for a decade; Hirohito was our hostage for their good behavior as we MacArthurized them in the Forties. It's really that simple. We DID hang Tojo along with a bunch of their other top guys.

In all honesty I don't see how we evade WW2; the Pearl Harbor and PI attacks pretty much force our hand. Hitler declares war on us - we don't really have a way out of that, either...

And when you think about it, we actually do pretty damn well; our economy is really the Last Man Standing in 1945 - we get three decades of almost total global economic superiority out of it. It's only after the Reagan Devolution that we give away our supremacy...

No argument that a hell of a lot of our wars have been less than "useful" to us joe and mary lunchpails. But not so sure that there's a way to see around being part of WW2...

Monday, April 30, 2012 at 6:34:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

I believe thast ww2 was a elective war.
Cordull Hull hated the Japs and US policy reflected this bias.
We racially profiled the Japs.
We could have remained neutral and still came out number 1 after the shooting stopped. There's a inconvenient fact that the cream of a generation was killed. That might equate to prosperity in totalitarian countries, but i'm rather opposed to the concept.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 7:43:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ranger, this is anon again. Some Pakistanis play us for suckers. But do we not do the same to them? If they take our money and don't give us anything in return, then how do you explain the thousands of Pakistanis who have died in this war on terror-a war that the average Pakistani didn't choose to be a part of? The drone attacks? Now you might say that the Pakistanis have been complicit in hiding OBl, but are all Pakis complicit in this?
Since 9/11 and since Chaney's "We'll bomb you back into the stoneage if you're not with us" many Pakistani's have died at Al Qaeda's hand. So while some Pakistanis might support OBL, most probably don't. And our money doesn't really go to help the average Pakistani anyway. And as far as nuclear technology is concerned, didn't we just transfer some nuclear technology to India? Pakistan didn't sign the NPT; they can sell that technology to whomever they choose. Just as we can (despite the fact that we did sign the NPT). I'll assume that you didn't intend to use the term "Paki" offensively. But if you did, you're purposefully offending a large, and diverse country which has paid a larger price in our "PWOT" than we have.
Lastly, the term Amies doesn't offend me because it hasn't really ever been used derogativelly.However if it had such a conotation, it would offend me.
Sincerely, an American citizen (like yourself), who also happens to be a Pakistani citizen.
Ps, I enjoy reading your blog; I make some time for it in between my college classes. Let me know if you have anything you want to ask me...-MACattack

Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 11:54:00 PM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, the 3000 mile range missile was launched by India (the Agni V). Officially, the longest range missile that Pakistan has can travel around 1,500 miles. So are we cool with that? (This is somewhat unrelated to the premise of this blog).

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 12:21:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

Anon, may 2,
Thanks for your pertinent input.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 7:35:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger rangeragainstwar said...

Thanks for your reply.
I've written on all the topics that you touch upon.
Now let me fine tune-my ire is with the ISI more than with the people of Pakistan.I don't care about UBL b/c he was a non-entity , and purely symbolic by the time he hid out in Pak.
I do not accept using drones/missiles which my essays reflect.
If it means anything i call Krauts by the name luger heads , and use several such monikers in my writings. I do so b/c my topic is so heavy that i must put in some pressure relief valves.
You are free to express your views as you have done, and we welcome your input.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 7:45:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankyou Jim, And I was also "Anon May2", -MACattack

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 12:08:00 PM GMT-5  

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